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orange roughy catch cuts ‘business as usual’

20 September 2006 ‘Business as usual and full support for the Minister’s decisions’ is how the Deepwater Group of fishing companies describes the Minister of Fisheries’ decision to reduce the commercial catch limits in some areas for orange roughy, said the group’s Chief Executive George Clement. “We agree with the Minister for the need...

Deepwater fishing industry opposes ‘destructive’ phosphate mining

A lobby group for the deepwater fishing industry says plans to mine seabed near the Chatham Islands will amount to wholesale environmental destruction. Chatham Rock Phosphate has been given a 20-year permit to mine 820 square kilometres of seabed on the Chatham Rise. A catch of hoki hauled into a ship in the Chatham...

Testing the Waters

The Chatham Rise is one of our most productive fishing grounds. So, in 2007, the Government accepted fishing industry proposals to ban bottom trawling there. It was one of 17 large areas of ocean the industry agreed to protect, since damaging the seabed diminished the health of the fisheries. On Wednesday, the Government rejected a proposal...

Fisheries Fight ‘Strip Mining’ Bid

The seafood industry has weighed in with a strong submission against Golden Bay-based Chatham Rock Phosphate's application to suction-mine the Chatham Rise. Submissions to the Environmental Protection Authority closed yesterday, with the Deepwater Group, representing 95 per cent of fish quota beyond coastal waters, saying the mining would have "significant and irreversible adverse effects on...

Details needed on cameras on vessels announcement

In response to Minister David Parker’s announcement on 25 May about the national roll-out of cameras on commercial inshore fishing vessels, Seafood New Zealand (SNZ) Chief Executive Jeremy Helson says the most important questions still remain unanswered.


Sanford’s Move From Volume to Value Helps Boost Profit 152%

Sanford’s Move From Volume to Value Helps Boost Profit 152% Press Release: Sanford Limited 17 November 2016 Sanford Limited (NZX:SAN) has today posted a 152% increase in net profit after tax to $34.7m for the year ended 30 September. The Group posted an 85.5% increase in reported EBIT to $57.7m, with revenue up $13.2m to $463.5m....

Closure of hearing on Chatham Rock Phosphate application

The hearing on the marine consent application by Chatham Rock Phosphate Ltd (CRP) has been closed by the Environmental Protection Authority’s (EPA) Decision-making Committee. The Committee now has 20 working days to make its decision. Due to the Christmas period, a decision is expected to be made early next year. The hearing was adjourned by...

Mine bid ‘a risk to ecology’

Chatham Rock Phosphate, the small Golden Bay-based company with big seabed mining ideas, has submitted its formal marine consent application to vacuum up phosphate nodules from the Chatham Rise. With a plan that the seafood industry warns could have a dramatic effect on deepwater fishing, the company intends to use a giant Dutch ship to...

Strip mining threatens protected marine area

6 July 2013 Strip mining threatens protected marine area and future of sustainable fisheries An experimental plan to strip mine phosphate in one of New Zealand’s protected areas of pristine seabed risks ruining New Zealand’s sustainable fisheries and our international reputation. The deepwater seafood industry is challenging a proposal to mine phosphate beds within the...

Seafood assurance programme launched

Seafood assurance programme launched Published: 9 August 2017 The New Zealand seafood industry now has a one-stop source for information. OpenSeas is a third-party verified, broad-based transparency initiative designed to enable customers of New Zealand seafood, primarily international customers, a single, comprehensive source of information about the environmental, social and production credentials of the New...

One-stop source for New Zealand seafood information launched

One-stop source for New Zealand seafood information launched Published: 3 August 2017 A one-stop source for information on New Zealand seafood was launched at the New Zealand Seafood Industry conference in Wellington today. OpenSeas is a third-party verified, broad-based transparency initiative designed to enable customers of New Zealand seafood, primarily international customers, a single, comprehensive...

Attacks on the seafood industry lack scientific credibility

Attacks on the seafood industry lack scientific credibility Published: 1 June 2016 It is not possible to have a sensible science-based discussion around the Simmons report (Simmons et al 2016) because the data and methods used remain unclear. For science to be of value to society it must be impartial, transparent and repeatable. Their report demonstrates...

MSC sustainable seafood

The Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) today celebrated 15 years of MSC certified seafood and recognised the ‘leaders for living oceans’ that are driving growth and success in the sustainable seafood market. MSC certified fisheries now catch 8.8 million tonnes of MSC certified seafood per year, accounting for close to 10% of the total global wild-capture....

‘Misc and chips’ for dinner anyone?

People in Auckland, Waikato and beyond face a shrinking choice of seafood options at supermarkets, fish and chip shops and restaurants under the proposed Hauraki Gulf commercial fishing bans.


Orange roughy – out of sight but top of mind

The Government’s consultation on catch limits for New Zealand’s largest orange roughy fishery (the East and South Chatham Rise fishery which is a sub-area of the ORH3B stock) has brought this deepsea fish into the spotlight again.


Hoki, Hake and Ling Trawl Fishery Surveillance Audit 2023

The trawl fisheries for hake (HAK 1, HAK 4), hoki (HOK 1 East and West) and ling (LIN 3, LIN 4, LIN 5, LIN 6, LIN 7) are MSC certified. They have now passed their third surveillance audit in June 2022 and will be undergoing their fourth audit in 2023, and a reassessment in 2024....


2023 SYMPOSIUM ON SEAFOOD PRODUCTION The science, economics, and environmental effects of seafood production in New Zealand. Thursday 16 February 2023 | Wellington The Proceedings Report is available now. KEYNOTE SPEAKER Professor Ray Hilborn University of Washington Seafood, a winner in low environmental food production impacts Click here to view a video of his presentation...

Net sounder technology ban under review

A ban on new technology that increases trawl efficiency and reduces environmental impacts is under review. Fisheries New Zealand (FNZ) has called for submissions on a proposal to revoke the prohibition on the use of net sonde cables that is seen as outdated and outmoded by the deepwater sector.


Ling Longline Fishery Surveillance Audit 2022

The longline fisheries for LIN 3, LIN 4, LIN 5, LIN 6, and LIN 7 have been MSC certified since 2014. They passed their third surveillance audit in June 2022 and will be undergoing a re-assessment in 2023. To view Lloyd's Register's Surveillance Report August 2022 [click here]. DWG undertakes to make all non-confidential information...

Hoki, Hake and Ling Trawl Fishery Surveillance Audit 2022

The trawl fisheries for hake (HAK 1, HAK 4), hoki (HOK 1 East and West) and ling (LIN 3, LIN 4, LIN 5, LIN 6, LIN 7) are MSC certified. They have now passed their third surveillance audit in June 2022 and will be undergoing a re-assessment in 2023. To view Lloyd's Register's Surveillance Report...

Hoki, Hake and Ling Trawl Fishery Surveillance Audit 2019

Hoki, Hake and Ling Trawl Fishery Surveillance Audit 2019 The trawl fisheries for hake (HAK 1, HAK 4), hoki (HOK 1 East and West) and ling (LIN 3, LIN 4, LIN 5, LIN 6, LIN 7) are MSC certified and passed their annual audit in 2019. DWG undertakes to make all non-confidential information that is...

Hoki, Hake and Ling Trawl Fishery Surveillance Audit 2019

New Zealand Hoki, Hake and Ling Trawl Fishery Surveillance Audit 2019 The trawl fisheries for hake (HAK 1, HAK 4), hoki (HOK 1 East and West) and ling (LIN 3, LIN 4, LIN 5, LIN 6, LIN 7) are MSC certified and passed their annual audit in 2019. DWG undertakes to make all non-confidential information...

Ling Longline Fishery Surveillance Audit 2021

The longline fisheries for LIN 3, LIN 4, LIN 5, LIN 6 and LIN 7 have been MSC certified since 2014 and are undergoing re-assessement in 2021. DWG undertakes to make all non-confidential information that is provided to the Conformance Assessment Body publicly available on this webpage to ensure all documents are easily accessible by all...

Ling Longline Fishery Surveillance Audit 2019

New Zealand Ling Longline Fishery Surveillance Audit 2019 The longline fisheries for LIN 3, LIN 4, LIN 5, LIN 6 and LIN 7 have been MSC certified since 2014 and are undergoing re-assessement in 2019. DWG undertakes to make all non-confidential information that is provided to the Conformance Assessment Body publicly available on this webpage to...

Hoki, Hake and Ling Trawl Fishery Surveillance Audit 2019

New Zealand Hoki, Hake and Ling Trawl Fishery Surveillance Audit 2019 The trawl fisheries for hake (HAK 1, HAK 4), hoki (HOK 1 East and West) and ling (LIN 3, LIN 4, LIN 5, LIN 6, LIN 7) are MSC certified and passed their annual audit in 2019. DWG undertakes to make all non-confidential information...

Revolutionising ocean forecasting – the Moana Project

The Tasman Sea is warming at one of the fastest rates on earth, bringing widespread implications for the marine environment.

Despite New Zealand having one of the largest Exclusive Economic Zones (EEZ) in the world, there is limited information available to measure, monitor and predict how ocean warming will affect New Zealand waters.

The Moana Project has set out to address this...


Fisheries New Zealand launched

Fisheries New Zealand launched Published: 16 May 2018 The newly launched Fisheries New Zealand (FNZ) will focus on stakeholder engagement and innovation. That was the message from the business unit’s new head Dan Bolger and Fisheries Minister Stuart Nash at the launch in early May. Bolger said there would be a focus on engaging...

OpenSeas playbook launched

OpenSeas playbook launched Published: 24 April 2018 OpenSeas has released a playbook on the programme. The comprehensive guide aims to help New Zealand seafood companies understand the range of tools available and find ways to best utilise the programme within their businesses. Launched at New Zealand Seafood Industry Conference in 2017, OpenSeas is focused on...

Environmental organisations unsure how science works

Environmental organisations unsure how science works Published: 21 February 2018 Recent attacks from environmental organisations on the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) and New Zealand’s seafood industry have reached a new level of banality and predictability. As MSC continues to succeed and to certify more and more of the well managed fisheries, particularly within the Western...

Rigorous scientific assessment of orange roughy fisheries in final stage

Rigorous scientific assessment of orange roughy fisheries in final stage Published: 20 January 2016 Orange roughy seen from AOS: Being able to see in real time 1,000 m below the surface, scientist can now assess the number of orange roughy with greater certainty. Deepwater Group welcomes the announcement that New Zealand’s key orange roughy fisheries...

The New Zealand Seafood Industry has lost a titan

The New Zealand seafood industry has lost a titan with the death of Philip Vela. “Philip Vela was an early pioneer in the development of the hoki, orange roughy, tuna and squid fisheries. He continued to be a major player and innovator in New Zealand fisheries – a business where only the strongest of...

Free Trade Agreement with Korea disappointing for New Zealand seafood

The so-called free trade deal with Korea excludes frozen squid, which will continue to suffer a 22 percent tariff. The FTA announced by Prime Minister John Key at the weekend is overall disappointing for seafood, according to Seafood New Zealand chief executive Tim Pankhurst. “While there are some improved trading conditions for some seafood in...

Fishing Innovation Recognised

Precision Seafood Harvesting (PSH), a revolutionary fishing method, was presented with the Supreme New Zealand Innovator award, chosen from all categories and given to the best overall entry. PSH also won the Innovation in Sustainability and Clean Tech award. Idealog People’s Choice was awarded to Snap Information Technologies, who have developed an integrated video observation...

Report Queries Uranium Impact

A Crown report says there could be a long-term build up of uranium in farmlands from using phosphate mined from the Chatham Rise. But the company proposing the sea-bed mining, Chatham Rock Phosphate, says the uranium content is not a health hazard and is little different from that in Moroccan products already used here. The...

Risk to No-Nuke Status Alleged

Uranium in phosphate nodules that Chatham Rock Phosphate intends to mine could threaten New Zealand's nuclear-free reputation, the seafood industry has told the Government. But the Golden Bay-based miner says the uranium is "incidental" and Conservation Minister Nick Smith agrees, saying it is a side issue. Deepwater Group chairman Chris Horton wrote to Smith and...


Deepwater Group’s Fisheries Certification Programme A Fisheries Certification Programme (FCP) is a four-staged work programme that Deepwater Group (DWG) has implemented in conjunction with its external partners to progress fisheries through to third-party validation such as Marine Stewardship Council certification....

Seafood Industry ‘Needs a Touch-Up’

The country's $1.6 billion-a-year seafood industry is a really well-painted house, the new chair of Seafood New Zealand says. But the missed corners now need filling-in, with scientific improvements, public perceptions and creating a vibrant industry on top of the agenda. George Clement was elected as the industry body's executive chairman last month, and was...

New seafood industry research funding confirmed

  24 May 2013   Seafood Innovations Limited has secured government support for funding new seafood industry research investment over the next seven years.  This support is contingent on the New Zealand seafood industry committing matching co-funding to the research programme. SIL is the joint venture research company of Seafood New Zealand and Plant and...

Changes to catch limits backed by science

 22 September 2010 Changes to commercial catch limits for orange roughy and hoki announced today are proof that the quota management system is working, says Deepwater Group Ltd chief executive George Clement. “These limits have been set by the Minister of Fisheries and Aquaculture using independent scientific information and include consideration of submissions from a...

New York Times story on hoki fisheries unreliable and misleading

September 17, 2009 In a rebuke to a New York Times story questioning the sustainability of New Zealand's hoki fisheries [From Deep Pacific, Ugly and Tasty, With a Catch, 09/09/09], the New Zealand Seafood Industry struck back today in an open letter to the newspaper detailing a variety of omissions and distortions in its reporting...

No warning of high seas fishing closure

1 December 2007 No warning of Minister’s announcement of high seas fishing closure Industry was surprised to learn of the Government’s agreement to close the orange roughy fishing grounds in international waters south of Australia today. “There was no prior warning or consultation with New Zealand business interests, which we expect from an open...